Benefits of Sea Moss
Here at The Sea Moss Gel Co, we responsibly source the highest quality, organic and wildcrafted sea moss from various tropical locations such as Jamaica, St. Lucia, and Grenada.
We only use natural, organic and vegan society approved products in our gels. They do not contain any preservatives and are made using alkaline water and a squeeze of lime. For this reason we recommend that the gels are consumed within 10 - 14 days, refrigerated and sealed.
What is Sea Moss/Irish Moss good for?
- Sea Moss contains 92 out of the body's 102 minerals!
- Can help to remove Mucus from the Body
- Great for Sexual Health - a Natural Aphrodisiac - Rich in Zinc, Vitamin E & Folate for Sperm Production
- Good for Thyroid Health - Balancing Hormones
- Helps with Skin conditions - High in Sulphur so great for face masks
- Good for Digestion
- Joint & Bone Health - High in Omega-3, Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin-K
- Good for the Blood/Anemia- High in Iron
- Can help with Colds & Coughs - Vitamin C
- Powerful Anti-Inflammatory
- Mood/Mental Health Booster - Due to Potassium content which helps to maintain healthy Mental & Emotional Function
- Weight Loss - due to Sea Moss ability to absorb moisture to create a feeling of fullness
- High in Iodine - which is said to help prevent radiation poisoning
How Can I Use Sea Moss?
- Drink Sea Moss gel daily by mixing with water or juice
- Use 2 tablespoons of Sea Moss gel in your food or smoothies to boost the nutritional content. We love using it in oats with cinnamon and apple!
- Sea moss can be used as a face mask! Also known as Natures Collagen. You can apply the gel on your face and skin and let it soak in for as long as possible, then rinse accordingly! Can improve elasticity and has anti ageing properties.
Our sea moss contains vitamins A, C, E, K, and B9, along with a high concentration of iodine, calcium, zinc, bromine, and iron. Sea moss is said are to aid the body in regenerating and rebuilding cells, which gives you more energy to tackle the day ahead of you!
Our products are low in fat and they have very few calories, making them ideal for bodybuilders or those who are fasting.
They are perfectly safe for children to consume (unless you are planning to boost your gel with burdock root). Our Gels provide a virtually tasteless natural boost of minerals to supplement your children’s diet. They are a great product to hide in there food without them even knowing!
The minerals within the gel are absorbed into the blood much more efficiently then over the counter supplements, this is because it is a natural product.
Our gels are an excellent supplement for weight-loss. As an emulsifier, it liquefies fat and mucus, making it easier to eliminate body fat. This superfood is rich in iodine and natural sea-cell-salts, which means it is beneficial for iron-deficiency anaemia and balancing your metabolism.
Our sea moss gel can be effective for healing the skin of burns, scabs, wounds, eczema and premature aging. It can be used as a facial to restore elasticity and firmness to create new skin.
This superfood is something we believe everyone should use and consume for a whole spectrum of reasons. We hope this information answers all of your questions, but please email us or direct message us through our social media platforms and we will try our best to answer your questions.
The Sea Moss Gel Co